RGB stands for Red-Green-Blue and specifies a color using three values, which represent the respective amount of red, green, and blue in the color.
Seaborn has an option to create nice color palettes. I wish to use these palettes to generate colors that work …
python rgb seabornI am displaying a live camera in SurfaceView using camera.startPreview();. Any idea on how I can get live RGB …
android colors camera rgb surfaceholderI'm working with someone else's code on a device which can put an image to /dev/fb/0 and show up …
ffmpeg imagemagick rgb framebufferI was checking different RGB formats and i was wondering why in the RGB-565 to the green color are assigned 6 …
image rgbI wrote an algorithm to convert a RGB image to a YUV420. I spend a long time trying to make …
c++ performance algorithm rgb yuvCurrently I have this regex which matches to an RGB string. I need it enhanced so that it is robust …
javascript regex rgb rgbaI get RGB24 byte array and want to show it in Java. public void getByteArray(byte byteArray[]){ int count1 = 0; byte …
java swing awt rgb bufferedimageI am new to image processing and matlab. I am trying to extract the orange color from my image. Just …
image-processing colors rgb grayscale