Top "Bgr" questions

BGR is a way of encoding a color, parallel to RGB.

python - opencv - convert pixel from bgr to hsv

img = cv2.imread('example.jpg') img_hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # lower mask (0-10) lower_red = np.…

python opencv pixel hsv bgr
Converting an OpenCV BGR 8-bit Image to CIE L*a*b*

I am trying to convert a given Mat representing an RGB image with 8-bit depth to Lab using the function …

c++ opencv colors rgb bgr
How can I know if the image is in RGB or BGR format?

Is there any way to know in advance if an image used as an input to a system is in …

java opencv image-processing rgb bgr
HSV image in openCV for color recognition

I have the following BGR image (a car's front), I want to recognize its color I converted it to HSV (…

c++ opencv hsv bgr
cv2.cvtcolor bgr2gray seems get an error image

# the code is as follows, implemented, but the result is possibly wrong, it is not the grayscale i wanted, someone …

python cv2 bgr
Is there a formula to determine overall color given BGR values? (OpenCV and C++)

I am making a function using C++ and OpenCV that will detect the color of a pixel in an image, …

c++ opencv colors pixels bgr
OpenNI RGB image to OpenCV BGR IplImage conversion?

The image which one can get from OpenNI Image Meta Data is arranged as an RGB image. I would like …

opencv rgb openni bgr