RGB stands for Red-Green-Blue and specifies a color using three values, which represent the respective amount of red, green, and blue in the color.
I need to capture the color RGB image from a Kinnect camera, but I want to show it in OpenCV …
opencv kinect rgb simple-openniI noticed that my routine to convert between RGB888 24-bit to 16-bit RGB565 resulted in darkening of the colors progressively …
colors rgb linear-interpolationOverview I have an image buffer that I need to convert to another format. The origin image buffer is four …
c x86 rgb sse micro-optimizationI'm trying to set a custom value for the White Balance & temperature color in my camera app. I'm using …
android camera android-camera rgb android-camera2I know this has already been asked, but the anwser given there doesn't work. I've spent over an hour looking …
c# colors rgb color-management color-theoryI am trying to find the average colour in a picture, and convert the colours to HSB. I am using …
java rgb bufferedimage hsb