RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader.
I have 2 types of Modules: Require.js Main File: require.config({ baseUrl: "/another/path", paths: { "some": "some/v1.0" }, waitSeconds: 15, locale: "…
javascript requirejs jsdoc js-amdRunning Karma + Jasmine Tests with RequireJS -- Getting off the ground Help! . . . _ _ _ . . . SOS! Currently, I have an exercise project up …
unit-testing requirejs jasmine karma-runner karma-jasmineSo I'm new to protractor and trying test using page objects to make the code more manageable. Having some problems …
javascript testing requirejs protractor pageobjectsHow much faster is requireJS actually, on a large website? Has anyone done any tests on the speed of large …
javascript performance asynchronous requirejs amdI'm trying to get require.js to load modules on the server-side with Java 6 and Rhino. I'm able to load …
java javascript require requirejs rhinoThere is a similar question that has an accepted answer, but the link it refers to is no longer available (…
javascript jquery html requirejs html5boilerplateI'm finding that it's a pain when moving files around and constantly having to rewrite the file include paths to …
javascript node.js requirejs commonjs browserifyI'm currently developing a webapp using Cordova (Phonegap), Backbone and JQtouch. Among other things, I need to add events in …
cordova ios6 requirejs phonegap-pluginsI am using requirejs + jquery + jqueryui. I have read TONS of examples of how to do this. I think I …
jquery-ui requirejs amd jquery-ui-widget-factoryTotally new to ace editor dev, to dynamically add additional rules to a mode file for syntax highlighting I'm doing …
javascript requirejs syntax-highlighting ace-editor