Top "Requirejs" questions

RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader.

How to document a Require.js (AMD) Modul with jsdoc 3 or jsdoc?

I have 2 types of Modules: Require.js Main File: require.config({ baseUrl: "/another/path", paths: { "some": "some/v1.0" }, waitSeconds: 15, locale: "…

javascript requirejs jsdoc js-amd
KarmaJS, Jasmine, RequireJS, etc: How to Use Require for Testing Modules

Running Karma + Jasmine Tests with RequireJS -- Getting off the ground Help! . . . _ _ _ . . . SOS! Currently, I have an exercise project up …

unit-testing requirejs jasmine karma-runner karma-jasmine
Error: Cannot find module ' in Protractor

So I'm new to protractor and trying test using page objects to make the code more manageable. Having some problems …

javascript testing requirejs protractor pageobjects
How much speed is gained with RequireJS/AMD in JS?

How much faster is requireJS actually, on a large website? Has anyone done any tests on the speed of large …

javascript performance asynchronous requirejs amd
Resolving modules using require.js and Java/Rhino

I'm trying to get require.js to load modules on the server-side with Java 6 and Rhino. I'm able to load …

java javascript require requirejs rhino
How do I use main.js and plugins.js from HTML5 Boilerplate?

There is a similar question that has an accepted answer, but the link it refers to is no longer available (…

javascript jquery html requirejs html5boilerplate
Get browserify require paths to behave more like requirejs

I'm finding that it's a pain when moving files around and constantly having to rewrite the file include paths to …

javascript node.js requirejs commonjs browserify
Cordova 2.2.0 on iOS - RequireJS won't load Cordova correctly

I'm currently developing a webapp using Cordova (Phonegap), Backbone and JQtouch. Among other things, I need to add events in …

cordova ios6 requirejs phonegap-plugins
requirejs + jqueryui = $.widget not defined

I am using requirejs + jquery + jqueryui. I have read TONS of examples of how to do this. I think I …

jquery-ui requirejs amd jquery-ui-widget-factory
Dynamically update syntax highlighting mode rules for the Ace Editor

Totally new to ace editor dev, to dynamically add additional rules to a mode file for syntax highlighting I'm doing …

javascript requirejs syntax-highlighting ace-editor