Top "Js-amd" questions

JavaScript Asynchronous Module Definition

RequireJS: Loading modules including templates and CSS

After playing around with AMD/RequireJS I was wondering if it is a good idea to load UI modules including …

css requirejs javascript js-amd
How to load Google Maps API with RequireJS?

I am struggling to load gmaps api with requireJS . This is what I've tried: requirejs.config({ urlArgs: "noCache=" + (new Date).…

google-maps-api-3 requirejs js-amd
bower init - difference between amd, es6, globals and node

I am creating my first Bower component. After running bower init the script asks me 'what types of modules does …

node.js ecmascript-6 bower js-amd es2015
What's the difference between Require.js and simply creating a <script> element in the DOM?

What's the difference between using Require.JS amd simply creating a <script> element in the DOM? My understanding …

javascript requirejs dynamic-script-loading js-amd
How to load bootstrapped models in Backbone.js while using AMD (require.js)

Backbone.js documentation suggest loading bootstrapped models this way: <script> var Accounts = new Backbone.Collection; Accounts.reset(<%= @…

javascript backbone.js requirejs js-amd
Typescript window.onload not being called after adding requirejs for phaser game

I am trying to make a game with phaser and Typescript. I followed the instructions here and it worked initialy. …

javascript requirejs typescript phaser-framework js-amd
How to achieve lazy loading with RequireJS?

We're building a non-trival web application using Backbone, RequireJS and Handlebars, and well, I'm just curious. At the moment, each …

javascript backbone.js requirejs js-amd
RequireJS: Module name __ has not been loaded yet for context, but only for SOME, not all

Now I know this question has been asked a million times before, but I still couldn't figure it out. I …

javascript requirejs amd js-amd
require.js: Access all loaded modules

Is there any way to access all loaded modules of require.js? Background: I want to automatically call an init() …

javascript requirejs js-amd
Why did Underscore.js remove support for AMD?

1.3.0 — Jan. 11, 2012 Removed AMD (RequireJS) support from Underscore. If you'd like to use Underscore with RequireJS, you can load it as …

javascript underscore.js requirejs js-amd