Top "Requirejs" questions

RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader.

module.exports gets undefined while importing on another file

This is my file structure for simple Express app. server/ |- models |--- users.js |- index.js index.js …

node.js requirejs commonjs
Loading mustache using requirejs

I would like to load and use mustache by requirejs. Maybe this question has already asked: AMD Module Loading Error …

javascript requirejs mustache
Angularjs: ocLazyLoad vs Requirejs

I'm working on a big angluar project and obviously we need a way to lazy load our scripts. I've worked …

angularjs requirejs lazy-loading single-page-application
require js remove definition to force reload

For testing purposes I am trying to remove some amd modules and reload updated versions from the server - with …

requirejs js-amd
require.js: require.config paths optimization

I am willing to optimize my javascript application using require.js optimizer but I am now wondering if it is …

javascript optimization backbone.js requirejs build-dependencies
Backbone Marionette and RequireJS Modules

I'm beginning a large scale javascript application with Marionette. A Marionette application has a concept of application Modules and RequireJS …

javascript backbone.js requirejs marionette
How to use requirejs with zepto

I can't seem to get zepto to work with requirejs. Here are my files main.js require.config({ paths: { zepto: …

javascript backbone.js requirejs zepto frontend
How Can I Place RequireJS Config in Separate File and Make the r.js Optimizer Work?

Most examples for RequireJS setup, place the configuration object in the main.js entry point, something like this: //main.js …

javascript requirejs amd r.js
RequireJS: Best method to run page specific modules?

Example: depends on scripts in module1.js depends on scripts in module2.js mysite.…

javascript modularity requirejs
what are the advantages of using an AMD like requirejs or commonjs modules in javascript?

I've read a lot of articles on AMD solutions like RequireJS or module loaders that follow CommonJS style in Javascript. …

javascript requirejs commonjs