RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader.
I'm working on an angular application that is written in CommonJS syntax and uses a grunt task with the grunt-contrib-requirejs …
javascript requirejs amd commonjs karma-runnerThis may be a dumb question for web guys. But I am a little confused over this. Now, I have …
javascript requirejs servicestackI have been building a single page app using requireJS and so far loving it. I have come to the …
javascript module requirejsI'd like to precompile my Handlebars templates, but I'm not sure how this works in development mode. Is it common …
requirejs handlebars.js client-side-templatingHelp! I'm super confused guys... I have no idea what I'm doing I've been looking at RequireJS and AMD tutorials &…
javascript jquery requirejs amd js-amdI am currently learning RequireJS fundamentals and have some questions regarding a build profile, main files, and use of RequireJS …
javascript requirejsSuppose I have an UMD module like this (saved in 'js/mymodule.js'): (function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' &&…
javascript html requirejs systemjs commonjsHere is my main.js before using domReady: require.config({ paths : { loader : 'libs/backbone/loader', jQuery : 'libs/jquery/jquery-module', Underscore : …
javascript requirejs domreadyI am trying to load the Modernizr feature detects dynamically with requireJS. As Modernizr has built in AMD support this …
javascript requirejs modernizr