RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader.
I am working on some Backbone based project where i am using i18next for locales. Following is my app.…
backbone.js requirejs i18nextI have following setup for requireJS. requirejs.config({ paths: { 'resources' : '/Scripts/resources' }, shim: { 'resources': { exports: 'LocalizedStrings' } } }); And my resources.…
requirejs shimWhat is the difference between the following ways of loading typescript module dependencies? /// <amd-dependency path="someFile"/> /// <reference …
requirejs typescript amd js-amd typescript1.4I'm trying to configure DataTables to work with RequireJS and my configuration always results in this error: require.js:1926 GET …
javascript jquery requirejs datatables datatables-1.10Trying to understand where it's right to use "map" with a wildcard vs "paths". Looking at the require source (but …
requirejsLet's assume this is my config.js or main.js: require.config({ // paths are analogous to old-school <script> …
javascript jquery module requirejsWe can create a module in requireJS by giving it a name: define("name",[dep],function(dep) { // module definition }); or …
javascript requirejsI'm attempting to load the Highcharts library using a shim in RequireJS. However, when Highcharts loads, it throws an exception …
javascript highcharts requirejs js-amdI'm trying to manipulate itemViews dynamically in a Marionette CollectionView. The collections have the same models, but i defined templateName …
backbone.js requirejs marionetteI am using requireJS 2.x. I found out that some tutorials (and the official docs) sometimes use requirejs.config({ [...] }); requirejs(["…
javascript requirejs require