Top "Requirejs" questions

RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader.

i18next is not loading the translation file

I am working on some Backbone based project where i am using i18next for locales. Following is my app.…

backbone.js requirejs i18next
Require.JS shim config global scope?

I have following setup for requireJS. requirejs.config({ paths: { 'resources' : '/Scripts/resources' }, shim: { 'resources': { exports: 'LocalizedStrings' } } }); And my resources.…

requirejs shim
What is the difference between the three ways of loading typescript module dependencies?

What is the difference between the following ways of loading typescript module dependencies? /// <amd-dependency path="someFile"/> /// <reference …

requirejs typescript amd js-amd typescript1.4
DataTables trying to access with RequireJS

I'm trying to configure DataTables to work with RequireJS and my configuration always results in this error: require.js:1926 GET …

javascript jquery requirejs datatables datatables-1.10
Requirejs: paths vs map

Trying to understand where it's right to use "map" with a wildcard vs "paths". Looking at the require source (but …

Require.js is hurting my brain. Some fundamental questions about the way it loads scripts/modules

Let's assume this is my config.js or main.js: require.config({ // paths are analogous to old-school <script> …

javascript jquery module requirejs
Named module vs Unnamed module in RequireJS

We can create a module in requireJS by giving it a name: define("name",[dep],function(dep) { // module definition }); or …

javascript requirejs
Loading Highcharts via shim using RequireJS and maintaining jQuery dependency

I'm attempting to load the Highcharts library using a shim in RequireJS. However, when Highcharts loads, it throws an exception …

javascript highcharts requirejs js-amd
Is there a way to change Marionette ItemView template dynamically with RequireJS?

I'm trying to manipulate itemViews dynamically in a Marionette CollectionView. The collections have the same models, but i defined templateName …

backbone.js requirejs marionette
RequireJS: Difference between "requirejs" and "require" functions

I am using requireJS 2.x. I found out that some tutorials (and the official docs) sometimes use requirejs.config({ [...] }); requirejs(["…

javascript requirejs require