RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader.
I'm trying to define a module with conditional dependencies (depending on Modernizr test). I've done something that works but feel …
conditional modernizr requirejsI'm using require.js to help organize my Backbone.js based application. I'm trying to figure out the right way …
javascript backbone.js requirejs tastypieI am optimizing several js files into one using r.js. It works fine before. Recently,I modified some js …
javascript requirejs r.jsI want to load a html content with RequireJS like this: define(function (require) { "use strict"; return function (id) { var …
javascript requirejs requirejs-textOk, it's 2016. Webpack looks like a winner against requirejs and browserify. I've been reading about those 3 technologies, to solve a …
javascript requirejs webpack browserifyI'm used to simple and small JS projects where the JS dependencies are concatenated and minified as part of the …
javascript requirejs gulp bower browserifyI am calling Require.js from right before the closing body tag: <script data-main="assets/scripts/src/main.js" …
javascript jquery requirejs document-ready domreadyI have a problem with RequireJS and Modernizr. I want the Modernizr resource to be on the head. And everything …
javascript requirejs modernizrFor example requireJS uses following syntax: <script data-main="scripts/main" src="scripts/require.js"></script> and …
javascript html requirejs custom-data-attributeI am beginning to learn Backbone.js and I started with this boilerplate and made an example by loading JSON …
javascript-events backbone.js requirejs mustache js-amd