Top "Registry" questions

The Windows Registry is a database where configuration settings for hardware, software and the Windows operating system itself are saved.

Reading the Internet Explorer Protected Mode registry

I'm learning the registry with vbscript on the side. I would like to know would I check the strValuname and …

windows internet-explorer vbscript registry protected-mode
How do I disable UAC using Windows PowerShell?

How do I disable UAC using a PowerShell script? I can do this manually via the registry using the adding …

powershell registry uac
How can I change a Windows user's regional settings/date format?

I use a VB6/COM+ application which outputs date/time values based on the short date settings in the Control …

c# windows datetime registry regional
How to register custom program to handle mailto protocol on Windows 7

OK, it might be a problem with my system but I'm having a very difficult time getting Windows 7 to recognize …

windows registry protocol-handler
Registry ReadString method is not working in Windows 7 in Delphi 7

The following code sample used to return me windows id before, but now it doesn't work, and returns empty string, …

delphi windows-7 registry windows-identity
Why is OpenSubKey() returning null on my Windows 7 64-bit system?

Do OpenSubKey() and other Microsoft.Win32 registry functions return null on 64-bit systems when 32-bit registry keys are under Wow6432…

.net 64-bit registry
Getting Windows serial number (was: Getting MachineGuid from Registry)

I am trying to fetch MachineGuid from the registry, to create some level of binding with the OS for my …

c# windows registry wmi serial-number
Enable/disable ClearType without logging out

I need to enable/disable ClearType (or "Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows > Smooth edges of screen fonts") …

windows-7 command-line registry cleartype
Illegal operation attempted on a registry key that has been marked for deletion - only in IE

I have a web application that throws the following error when running in IE: Illegal operation attempted on a registry …

internet-explorer iis key registry operation
How do you clear your MRU list in Visual Studio?

I want to clear the list of projects on the start do I do this? I know I …

visual-studio registry mru