Top "Protected-mode" questions

x86 protected mode allows system software to support virtual memory, paging and preemptive multi-tasking.

Reading the Internet Explorer Protected Mode registry

I'm learning the registry with vbscript on the side. I would like to know would I check the strValuname and …

windows internet-explorer vbscript registry protected-mode
IE11 intermittently not loading pages

Many of our users are reporting that they are getting a blank page when using IE11 to access our website. …

internet-explorer-11 protected-mode
What is the true difference between a real mode program and a protected mode program?

I know the difference between a real mode and protected mode from the OS and hardware perspective. But I am …

operating-system protected-mode real-mode
bootloader - switching processor to protected mode

I'm having difficulties understanding how a simple boot loader works. The boot loader I'm talking about is the one from …

assembly operating-system x86 bootloader protected-mode
Assembler jump in Protected Mode with GDT

I am currently playing around with x86 Assember in order to sharpen my low-level programming skills. Currently, I am facing …

assembly x86 protected-mode addressing-mode
How to switch from real mode to protected mode after bootloader?

I just finished up a very bare-bones bootloader for my OS and now I'm trying to switch to protected mode …

x86 operating-system bootloader protected-mode real-mode
IE Protected Mode for Local System Account

I have a Windows Service that runs a Team City Build agent on a Windows 7 OS. This agent triggers NUnit …

internet-explorer selenium protected-mode