Top "Bootloader" questions

Bootloader is a program that loads the operating system into the computer's memory and set it into execution.

How to run a program without an operating system?

How do you run a program all by itself without an operating system running? Can you create assembly programs that …

assembly x86 operating-system bootloader osdev
What is the booting process for ARM?

As we know, for X86 architecture: After we press the power button, machine starts to execute code at 0xFFFFFFF0, then …

arm boot bootloader
How to install grub after installing Windows 10

I recently install Linux Mint (KDE Plasma) on my SSD (30GB Partition) after that I install Windows 10 on remaining storage. …

linux windows-10 bootloader linux-mint grub
What is the difference between a Bootrom vs bootloader on ARM systems

I primarily come from an x86 system background where BIOS (Firmware) is responsible for loading a bootloader (like GRUB) from …

arm bootloader
Bootloader in C won't compile

I am a newbie in writing bootloaders. I have written a helloworld bootloader in asm, and I am now trying …

c linux gcc assembly bootloader
How do I run linux on an ARM Cortex M3 board?

I have a Luminary LM3s8962 ARM Cortex M3 development board, and while I've been able to program for it …

linux arm bootloader cortex-m3
How do you jump to the bootloader (DFU mode) in software on the STM32 F072?

The STM32 App Note 2606 discusses this, but there is no simple code example.

bootloader stm32 dfu
ARM bootloader: Interrupt Vector Table Understanding

The code following is the first part of u-boot to define interrupt vector table, and my question is how every …

arm interrupt bootloader
Why do we need a bootloader in an embedded device?

I'm working with ELinux kernel on ARM cortex-A8. I know how the bootloader works and what job it's doing. But …

linux embedded arm bootloader
ADB Fastboot error when flasing rom 'FAILED remote unknown command'

I'm trying to flash Google factory image file on nexus 6P but it always stops at the same point. USB …

android adb root bootloader fastboot