How do I run linux on an ARM Cortex M3 board?

wooster picture wooster · Jul 9, 2011 · Viewed 31.4k times · Source

I have a Luminary LM3s8962 ARM Cortex M3 development board, and while I've been able to program for it using the Keil RTOS, I'd much prefer to develop on top of linux and an embedded libc. What I would like to know is how can I actually get a linux kernel and my application and depdencies on my board? It has a SD slot, can I create some sort of filesystem image and just program the board with a bootloader? Would I have to write the bootloader myself? I have absolutely no clue where to start on any of this. I've looked into the yocto project, but I'm still at a loss of how to actually deal with the multi-megabyte kernel and filesystem image files and get my board to run them.


Tim Bird gaccount picture Tim Bird gaccount · Apr 25, 2012

A port of Linux to the M3 was done by Catalin Marinas of ARM.

You can find information about it here: