Top "Bootloader" questions

Bootloader is a program that loads the operating system into the computer's memory and set it into execution.

how to build grub2 bootloader from it's source and test it with qemu emulator

I want to know how to build grub 2 bootloader from it's source in ubuntu and test it with qemu emulator. …

qemu bootloader grub
Confused with CMPSB instruction

I have been looking at this code and I'm confused about the rep cmpsb line. .LOOP: push cx mov cx, 0…

assembly nasm bootloader 16-bit osdev
bootloader - switching processor to protected mode

I'm having difficulties understanding how a simple boot loader works. The boot loader I'm talking about is the one from …

assembly operating-system x86 bootloader protected-mode
What is a "Javascript Bootloader"?

I have seen this mainly in the source of Facebook Bootloader.setResourceMap({"bMxb7":{"name":.... What is exactly a bootloader in …

javascript facebook bootloader
Why doesn't U-Boot disable the console output

I have this system which is accessed by a serial Debug Port. I want to disable all of the output, …

console boot bootloader u-boot silent
x86 NASM 'org' directive meaning

I am following this tutorial as a first foray into bootloader/OS development for x86 using NASM:…

assembly x86 nasm bootloader
Using bluetooth keyboard in grub bootloader

I want to choose between several OS's during startup. How can i manage this by using my bluetooth keyboard/Cellphone …

linux ubuntu bootloader grub
Debugging bootloader with gdb in qemu

There seems to be a problem with the Freedos bootloader. (It appears that the bootcode can't find the kernel in …

debugging assembly gdb bootloader qemu
Arduino Bootloader

Can someone please explain how the Arduino bootloader works? I'm not looking for a high level answer here, I've read …

arduino avr bootloader