Top "Avr" questions

AVR refers to two families of either 8- or 32-bit RISC microcontrollers

How can I unit test Arduino code?

I'd like to be able to unit test my Arduino code. Ideally, I would be able to run any tests …

unit-testing embedded arduino avr avr-gcc
C - AVR - Simple PORTB, DDRB, PINB explanation

I am working on school project and need to learn the basics of C with a AVR atmega controller. I …

c avr atmega
Undefined reference to 'operator delete(void*)'

I'm new to C++ programming, but have been working in C and Java for a long time. I'm trying to …

c++ embedded destructor avr avr-gcc
What's the difference/relationship between AVR and Arduino?

I've been interested in hardware programming recently, but I have not started yet. I did some searching working, and have …

hardware arduino avr
How to add header files in Atmel Studio 6

I'm trying to go with Atmel Atudio 6. But i'm not sure how to add .h files to my project. Is …

arduino microcontroller avr atmel avr-studio5

I am using SIM900 GSM module connect to my AVR Microcontroller. I tested it with FT232 to see transmitting data. …

serial-port sms gsm avr at-command
Atmel AVR Disassembler

Can somebody suggest me any disassembler for Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontrollers? There are opensource projects for this? Thanx.

microcontroller avr disassembly atmel
Turn on PC with USB-device

I want to be able to turn my PC on and off using an IR-remote sensor that is connected via …

usb avr htpc
AVRISP MKII doesn't work with AVRDUDE on Linux

The system sees something is plugged in when I plug and unplug it: bluehat@Matapan:/dev$ tail -f /var/log/…

linux usb avr avrdude
Using a rotary encoder with AVR Micro controller

I'm having trouble getting a rotary encoder to work properly with AVR micro controllers. The encoder is a mechanical ALPS …

microcontroller avr encoder atmega