Top "Microcontroller" questions

This tag is related to questions that have something to do with a microcontroller.

What is the difference between baud rate and bit rate?

I am really having hard time understanding the difference. Some say they are same, while others say there is a …

microcontroller uart serial-communication bitrate baud-rate
How to convert Char into Float

How to convert an unsigned char value into a float or double in coding in AVR studio 4.? Please help I …

c++ c microcontroller atmega16 avr-studio4
Power off an USB device in software on Windows

I would like to power cycle an USB device through software on Windows. I am doing development on a small …

windows winapi embedded usb microcontroller
Arduino UNO basics for C#

Hello I am new to controlling hardware with a USB connection. I have an Arduino UNO Microcontroller and was searching …

c# arduino microcontroller
What is a "packed" structure in C?

I am going though some C code written for the Microchip C30 compiler and I often see structs defined as …

c microcontroller packed
What is the difference between microprocessor and microcontroller?

One difference is microcontrollers are usually designed to perform a small set of specific functions whereas microprocessors are for huge, …

How to add header files in Atmel Studio 6

I'm trying to go with Atmel Atudio 6. But i'm not sure how to add .h files to my project. Is …

arduino microcontroller avr atmel avr-studio5
How to make a delay in assembly for avr microcontrollers?

I am having a problem in calculating delays. I want to make a delay for 1 sec when I am using 1…

assembly delay microcontroller atmel
How to generate a video signal from Android device via USB?

Is it possible to create an application for Android, which can generate a video signal (HDMI or VGA) via USB? …

android usb microcontroller hdmi
Writing a delay subroutine?

I need to write a delay subroutine. It should delay about 1 second. It has to be for 8051 environment, DS89C430 …

assembly microcontroller 8051