Top "Registry" questions

The Windows Registry is a database where configuration settings for hardware, software and the Windows operating system itself are saved.

Reliable way to get Windows Version from registry

I'm checking the windows version in an installer (made with NSIS) by checking the following registry key: HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\…

windows registry nsis windows-10 version-detection
How to set a binary registry value (REG_BINARY) with PowerShell?

How to set a binary registry value (REG_BINARY) with PowerShell? Background: I need to change some properties of the …

powershell registry powershell-2.0
Why is RegOpenKeyEx() returning error code 2 on Vista 64bit?

I was making the following call: result = RegOpenKeyEx(key, s, 0, KEY_READ, &key); (C++, Visual Studio 5, Vista 64bit). It …

c++ winapi windows-vista registry wow64
Automate process of Disk Cleanup cleanmgr.exe without user intervention

I am developing a powershell script file which shall execute some disk cleanup without user intervention. The user shall not …

powershell registry powershell-3.0 resource-cleanup
Set-ItemProperty sets Registry Value as String on some systems instead of DWord, why?

I try to create an item using Set-ItemProperty in PowerShell, which works on most systems: New-PSDrive -name HKCR -PSProvider Registry …

windows powershell registry dword
OpenSubKey() returns null for a registry key that I can see in regedit.exe

I'm trying to get all the display names of the sub keys within this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\…

c# registry
How can I create a registry value and path leading to it in one line using PowerShell?

Creating a registry value, including the path up to it, and not erroring if the path already exists is easy …

powershell registry
Changing Power Scheme settings through Registry instead of Control Panel in Windows 7

I'd like to change the settings of a power scheme (say, go to sleep after 45 minutes instead of 30) through the …

windows-7 registry controlpanel control-panel
Configure Windows Explorer Folder Options through Powershell

I'm looking for a way to configure a few options in Folder Option dialog of Windows Explorer through Powershell. The …

powershell registry windows-explorer
Where does Windows store its "Open With" settings?

I'm trying to programmatically check file associations by the file extension (for example .jnlp files). I keep reading that HKEY_…

windows registry file-extension file-type