Top "Registry" questions

The Windows Registry is a database where configuration settings for hardware, software and the Windows operating system itself are saved.

Registry GetSubKeyNames() lists different keys than Regedit?

We are using WIX to install a number of services we create. I am writing a quick utility to dump …

c# wix registry
Saving the TextBox Values in Registry

I need some guidance in reading/writing/saving the values in Registry.I am new to this concept of saving …

c# winforms registry read-write
Check if a key exists in the Windows Registry with VB.NET

In VB.NET I can create a key in the Windows Registry like this: My.Computer.Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("TestKey") …

windows registry key-value registrykey
C#: How to get installing programs exactly like in control panel programs and features?

I read a lot of information of getting programs. None of algorithms did do what I want. I need to …

c# .net windows registry controlpanel
batch regex the output of reg query command to a variable

summary I need to be able to find the DWORD value of a registry key and set a variable to …

regex windows batch-file registry dword
Which registry keys for Active X options?

I want to programatically set some registry keys. As part of an install routine, I want to enable all Active …

registry activex autoit
how to edit AutoConfigUrl registry for proxy pac using script

We are creating a SSL VPN setup and our SSL VPN Gatway does not push pac files to the end …

windows internet-explorer proxy registry pac

Apart from the MSDN reference, I want to know what these keys do? Does KEY_WOW64_32KEY means that a 32…

windows winapi registry registrykey registry-virtualization
How to run my program on before logout on windows XP?

I am looking for an inverse version of "RunOnceEx". RunOnceEx does run some program, before the user's shell(desktop&…

windows-xp registry logout runonce
C# Registry SetValue throws UnauthorizedAccessException

Before you try to answer this with, "Do a quick Google search." I'd like to point out that I have …

c# registry registrykey unauthorizedaccessexcepti