Top "Registrykey" questions

How do I get the value of a registry key and ONLY the value using powershell

Can anyone help me pull the value of a registry key and place it into a variable in PowerShell? So …

variables powershell registrykey
Launch IE from a link in Chrome

I want to have a link in Chrome e.g. Open Link that when you click on it in the …

google-chrome internet-explorer registrykey
Adding a registry key in windows with quotes needed in the data using a batch script

Little Willis here. I am trying to using a batch script to edit an existing registry key that is used …

windows batch-file double-quotes registrykey
How to ignore the certificate warning on remote desktop connection

I am trying to ignore the certificate warning on remote desktop connection - the one in the image: So far …

ssl windows-server-2008 remote-desktop registrykey
Why does the RegQueryValueEx() function return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND while trying to read from a registry key?

System: Windows 7 32bit Language: C++ I have tried to access register HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\HARDWARE\\DEVICEMAP\\Scsi\\Scsi Port 0, key …

c++ windows registry registrykey
Error : System.IO.IOException: the network path was not found

when i am executing following code it results an error please help me to resolve this. class MySample { public static …

c# wmi remote-access registrykey
Check if a key exists in the Windows Registry with VB.NET

In VB.NET I can create a key in the Windows Registry like this: My.Computer.Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("TestKey") …

windows registry key-value registrykey

Apart from the MSDN reference, I want to know what these keys do? Does KEY_WOW64_32KEY means that a 32…

windows winapi registry registrykey registry-virtualization
C# Registry SetValue throws UnauthorizedAccessException

Before you try to answer this with, "Do a quick Google search." I'd like to point out that I have …

c# registry registrykey unauthorizedaccessexcepti
Read and write from/to registry in VBA

I saw this line in C# and I am trying to adapt it to VBA: Microsoft.Win32.Registry.SetValue(@"HKEY_…

vba excel registry registrykey