Top "Cleartype" questions

ClearType is Microsoft's implementation of subpixel rendering technology in rendering text in a font system.

Enable/disable ClearType without logging out

I need to enable/disable ClearType (or "Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows > Smooth edges of screen fonts") …

windows-7 command-line registry cleartype
Disable Cleartype (text anti-aliasing) in IE9

It's well documented (e.g. here) that IE9 ignores the OS-wide settings for font smoothing (aka anti-aliasing). Even if font-smoothing …

wpf internet-explorer-9 antialiasing cleartype directwrite
IE8: Disable cleartype?

For IE7, it's possible to add filter: none; to the body css to disable cleartype on fonts through CSS. I …

css internet-explorer-8 cleartype
Font Smoothing Techniques? text-shadow rendering differently in Chrome 14.0.833.0 or higher

EDIT: We're in Chrome 19 now, and this still isn't fixed. Just a clarification: this happens in Chrome on Windows, not …

css windows google-chrome cleartype font-smoothing
IE 9 does not use sub-pixel antialiasing under certain conditions

[Original title: IE 9 text renders very poorly; is there a workaround?) IE 9 is rendering the text in my application very …

internet-explorer-9 antialiasing cleartype text-rendering
Making CSS3 @font-face font rendering play nice with ClearType on Windows

First some background information. It seems that using the CSS3 @font-face rule can interact in unexpected and undesired ways with …

windows css font-face cleartype
Blurry text in WPF even with ClearTypeHinting enabled?

I have a grid with this template and styles in WPF/XAML: <Setter Property="TextOptions.TextFormattingMode" Value="Display" /> &…

c# .net wpf xaml cleartype
JQuery toggle function rendering weird text in IE (losing ClearType?)

I have this little script to toggle a contact form when a button is clicked : $(document).ready(function(){ $("#button").click(…

jquery internet-explorer toggle cleartype