Top "Windows-identity" questions

Use this tag to better reference questions about WindowsIdentity allowing to encapsulate information about Windows accounts.

How do I get the currently loggedin Windows account from an ASP.NET page?

I have an ASP.NET 3.5 application that uses ASP.NET forms authentication. I want to be able to get the …

c# security windows-identity
HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name returns blank

I am using HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name to get the user name when the web application is in use. … windows-identity
How do I get the current windows user's name in username@domain format?

I know that the following function returns the current Windows user's name in domain\username format. Convert.ToString( WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().…

c# windows security active-directory windows-identity
How to create WindowsIdentity/WindowsPrincipal from username in DOMAIN\user format

The WindowsIdentity(string) constructor requires the username to be in [email protected] format. But in my case I get …

c# windows-identity windows-principal
Registry ReadString method is not working in Windows 7 in Delphi 7

The following code sample used to return me windows id before, but now it doesn't work, and returns empty string, …

delphi windows-7 registry windows-identity
ADAM, Active Directory, LDAP, ADFS, Identity

What is the difference/relation between ADAM, Active Directory, LDAP, ADFS, Windows Identity, cardspace and which server (Windows 2003, Windows 2008) uses …

active-directory ldap adam windows-identity adfs
Create WindowsIdentity using just a domain and username

I am building a site that gets user information using the WindowsIdentity of the current user. The main info I …

c# windows-identity
WindowsIdentity.Impersonate in ASP.NET randomly "Invalid token for impersonation - it cannot be duplicated"

I have an ASP.NET app that requires users to sign in with their domain accounts using Basic Authentication. The …

c# ajax basic-authentication windows-identity
How to setup OWIN with Windows authentication and a custom role provider

In MVC4 I enabled <authentication mode="Windows"/> in the web.config and created a custom role provider which …

authentication roleprovider windows-identity owin
MVC3 Windows Authentication override User.Identity

I am building a intranet application using MVC3 with a MSSQL backend. I have authentication and roles (through a custom … windows-authentication intranet windows-identity windows-principal