Top "Libgdx" questions

LibGDX is an open-source cross-platform Java game development framework based on OpenGL (ES) that works on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android, iOS and WebGL enabled browsers.

Google game services sign in issue (fails first attempt, successful second)

Currently trying to connect my game (that uses libgdx) to Google Game Services to enable leaderboard/achievements etc and seeing …

android libgdx google-play-services google-play-games
Blur the screen in LibGDX

Im trying to create a background effect like this for my pause menu. My current idea is to take a …

java android libgdx blur
AdMob won't show the banner until refresh or sign in to google plus

I've got a problem. My AdMob has been set up for some time now without any problem, but I noticed …

android admob libgdx google-play-services
Circle-Rectangle collision side detection in libgdx

I have spent hours looking for the solution to this: I am developing a little top-down game with libgdx (maybe …

java libgdx collision-detection intersection
How to change Screens in Scene2D libGDX

I've been searching around Google for tutorials on how to use multiple screens with LibGDX using Scene2D. So far …

java android libgdx scene2d
LibGDX logging not showing up in logcat

I cannot get LibGDX logging to work in Android Studio. First i thought I had the same problem as my …

java android android-studio libgdx
How to create skin for libgdx project?

I looked at the default skin files from the test project. I don't understand why uiskin.png has a font …

libgdx skin
How to use LibGDX cameras with Box2D Debug Renderers

I am trying to use a Box2D Debug Renderer along with my LibGDX Sprites and Bodies. The problem I …

java android graphics box2d libgdx
Difference between libgdx Stage and Screen

I'm making a game, and I see in tutorials some people using Stage class, and others using the Screen class, …

android libgdx game-engine
Using scene2d.ui with libgdx: where does the skin come from?

I've read about libgdx's scene2d features, including the UI elements, but I can't get them to work. They all …

java android libgdx scene2d