Top "Admob" questions

AdMob is a mobile advertising company owned by Google.

Error "library not found for" after putting application in AdMob

I am getting an error after I put my application in an AdMob. The app was working until today. The …

ios xcode admob cocoapods
error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'adSize' in package '' main.xml

When I followed the instructions to add an ad into my app by xml, I got the following errors: Description …

android admob
Plugin with id '' not found

I have followed this link to integrate ads in my app. But it shows this error: This is my build.…

android firebase admob
How can I get device ID for Admob

I'm using Eclipse to develop applications for android, and I want to integrate Admob to make money. The tutorial says …

android eclipse admob
Does this app use the Advertising Identifier (IDFA)? - AdMob 6.8.0

I'm currently uploading my App to the App Store and Apple is asking me if this app users IDFA. I'm …

ios admob
Admob Error in Eclipse for android:configChanges

Eclipse is giving me an error on the android:configChanges line in my AndroidManifest.xml: <activity android:name="com.…

android eclipse admob
admob getting an ad response. ErrorCode: 0 Failed to load ad:0

I have followed many answers about that error here, but my problem is not solved. Every time I run my …

android admob
Admob No fill from ad server - failed to load ad: 3

My issue is that ads are not being displayed at all in my app, test mode or not. I am …

java android eclipse admob cocos2d-android
AdMob Earnings - How are they calculated

How are AdMob Earnings calculated? Is it dependent on the number of clicks alone? Or is it dependent on the …

duplicate symbols for architecture i386 clang

I've seen several posts on google and stackoverflow related to this error, I've read all of them but still fetching …

objective-c ios5 admob