Top "Key-value-store" questions

Key/Value stores allow the application to store its data by composing `(key, value)` pairs.

Lightweight Javascript DB for use in Node.js

Anybody know of a lightweight yet durable database, written in Javascript, that can be used with Node.js. I don't …

javascript database key-value-store
How is aerospike different from other key-value nosql databases?

Aerospike is a key-value, in-memory, operational NoSQL database with ACID properties which support complex objects and easy to scale. But …

redis key-value-store aerospike
Fastest, non-memory-based, multi-process key-value store for Node.js

What is the fastest non-memory key-value store for Node.js supporting multiple processes? I need to store simple key-value string/…

node.js redis key-value key-value-store leveldb
Postgres Hstore vs. Redis - performance wise

I read about HStores in Postgres something that is offered by Redis as well. Our application is written in NodeJS. …

performance postgresql node.js redis key-value-store
What's the attraction of schemaless database systems?

I've been hearing a lot of talk about schema-less (often distributed) database systems like MongoDB, CouchDB, SimpleDB, etc... While I …

database nosql key-value-store document-oriented-db schemaless
What scalability problems have you encountered using a NoSQL data store?

NoSQL refers to non-relational data stores that break with the history of relational databases and ACID guarantees. Popular open source …

database nosql key-value-store graph-databases distributed-database
What is the purpose of colons within Redis keys

I'm learning how to use Redis for a project of mine. One thing I haven't got my head around is …

redis key-value-store colon
Why Apache Kafka Streams uses RocksDB and if how is it possible to change it?

During investigation within new features in Apache Kafka 0.9 and 0.10, we had used KStreams and KTables. There is an interesting fact …

java-native-interface in-memory-database key-value-store rocksdb apache-kafka-streams
How to separate redis database for same two app in node.js

I have two same app running on different one for demo and one for developement .and m using the redis …

node.js redis key-value-store
Key: value store in Python for possibly 100 GB of data, without client/server

There are many solutions to serialize a small dictionary: json.loads/json.dumps, pickle, shelve, ujson, or even by using …

python dictionary serialization key-value key-value-store