Top "Aerospike" questions

Aerospike is an open source, distributed NoSQL database and key-value store built to achieve speed at scale out on commodity hardware.

How to force Docker for a clean build of an image

I have build a Docker image from a Docker file using the below command. $ docker build -t u12_core -f …

docker aerospike
High Performance DB for Fast Read and Fast Write. No Update or Delete

I am looking for the database/mechanism to store the data where I can write the data and read the …

performance aerospike database nosql
How is aerospike different from other key-value nosql databases?

Aerospike is a key-value, in-memory, operational NoSQL database with ACID properties which support complex objects and easy to scale. But …

redis key-value-store aerospike
Has anyone worked with Aerospike? How does it compare to MongoDB?

Can anyone say if Aerospike is as good as they claim it to be? I'm a bit skeptical since it's …

mongodb nosql aerospike
Comparison : Aerospike vs Cassandra

Both Aerospike and Cassandra says they are better than the other in their own respective benchmarks. Reference : http://java.dzone.…

cassandra aerospike nosql
How to delete whole set from Aerospike namespace?

Is there any way to delete a set from namespace (Aerospike) from aql or CLI ??? My set also contains Ldts . …

Mac : There was an error while executing `VBoxManage`, a CLI used by Vagrant

I am working with aerospike and installing it using vagrant virtual box. After installation, when i am trying to start …

macos caching vagrant virtual-machine aerospike