How is aerospike different from other key-value nosql databases?

Salvador Dali picture Salvador Dali · Jun 30, 2014 · Viewed 33.9k times · Source

Aerospike is a key-value, in-memory, operational NoSQL database with ACID properties which support complex objects and easy to scale. But I have already used something which does absolutely the same.

Redis is also a key-value, in-memory (but persistent to disk) NoSQL database. It also support different complex objects. But in comparison to Aerospike, Redis was in use for a lot of time, already have an active community and a lot of projects developed in it.

So what is the difference between aerospike and other no-sql key-value databases like redis. Is there a particular place which is better suited for aerospike.

P.S. I am looking for an answer from people who used at least one of these dbs (preferably both) in real world and havend real life experience (not copy-pastes from official website).


sunil picture sunil · Jun 30, 2014

If it has to be answered in one word, its "performance". Aerospike's performance is much better than any clustered-nosql solutions out there. Higher performance per-node means smaller cluster which is lower TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) and maintenance. Aerospike does auto-clustering, auto-sharding, auto-rebalancing (when cluster state changes) most of which needs manual steps in other databases.

I said "clustered" because I dont want to mix redis in that group (though redis clustering is in beta). Pure in-memory performance of Aerospike and redis will be comparable. But Redis expects a lot of things to be handled at the application layer like sharding, request redirection etc. Even though redis has a way to persist (snapshot or AOF), it has its own problems as its designed more like an addon. Aerospike is developed natively with persistence in mind. The clustering of redis also involves setting up master slave etc. You may want to take a look at this talk comparing and contrasting redis vs aerospike.