How to separate redis database for same two app in node.js

XMen picture XMen · Jun 10, 2011 · Viewed 16.4k times · Source

I have two same app running on different one for demo and one for developement .and m using the redis database to store key value, how can i seperate redis database for these two different app. m using node.js for redis client. and m using this redis client.

how to seperate redis database for same app in node.


slickplaid picture slickplaid · Jun 10, 2011

You can use the .select(db, callback) function in node_redis.

var redis = require('redis'),
db = redis.createClient();, function(err,res){
  // you'll want to check that the select was successful here
  // if(err) return err;
  db.set('key', 'string'); // this will be posted to database 1 rather than db 0

If you are using expressjs, you can set a development and production environment variable to automatically set which database you are using.

var express = require('express'), 
app = express.createServer();

app.configure('development', function(){
  // development options go here
  app.set('redisdb', 5);

app.configure('production', function(){
  // production options here
  app.set('redisdb', 0);

Then you can make one call to and have the options set for production or development.'redisdb'), function(err,res){ // app.get will return the value you set above
  // do something here

More information on dev/production in expressjs:

The node_redis .select(db, callback) callback function will return OK in the second argument if the database is selected. An example of this can be seen on the Usage section of the node_redis readme.