Top "Colon" questions

This tag refers to the ASCII colon (:) character.

What does the colon (:) operator do?

Apparently a colon is used in multiple ways in Java. Would anyone mind explaining what it does? For instance here: …

java for-loop foreach operators colon
How to get a file in Windows with a colon in the filename?

I am getting errors from customers who are uploading files with a colon in the file name, i.e. C:/…

windows unix filenames colon
Inserting Colons into a list of Mac Addresses

I have over 500 MAC addresses and I'm trying to find a simple way to insert colons between every 2 characters.

scripting insert colon
Use of the : operator in C

Possible Duplicates: What does ‘: number’ after a struct field mean? What does ‘unsigned temp:3’ means I hate to ask this …

c colon
How do you escape colon (:) in Properties file?

I am using a properties file to store my application's configuration values. In one of the instances, I have to …

java properties escaping key-value colon
Javascript 'colon' for labeling anonymous functions?

What does this code refer too? queryString: function() { //some code } I tested it in the WebConsole (Firefox) but it wouldn't …

javascript function anonymous-function object-literal colon
Colon in JSON string

Can I escape a colon : that is inside a JSON string? Currently this object/value set { pn: "MT46H128M16…

string json escaping colon
Bash colon operator in variable substitution?

I inherited some bash code and these two lines are bewildering me: branch_name=`git describe --contains --all HEAD` branch_…

string bash variables colon variable-substitution
Selecting an ID with a colon in it with jQuery

I'm working on a pre-written module for a site, and I need to target an element with the id test:…

javascript jquery identifier colon
Lua script throws error "attempt to call a nil value (field 'deposit')"

I have this Lua script, which is supposed to create a new class, create an instance and call functions, but …

oop lua scripting operators colon