Top "Key-value-store" questions

Key/Value stores allow the application to store its data by composing `(key, value)` pairs.

How to store array of hashes in redis

I want to store array of hashes in redis , what is best way to code it ?

node.js redis key-value-store
Why are key value pair noSQL db's faster than traditional relational DBs

It has been recommended to me that I investigate Key/Value pair data systems to replace a relational database I …

nosql relational-database key-value-store
Storing object properties in redis

Lets say I have an object (User) which consists of a few properties (ID, Name, Surename, Age). Which way is …

json redis key-value-store
Looking for a lightweight java-compatible in-memory key-value store

Berkeley DB would be the best choice probably but I can't use it due to licensing issues. Are there any …

java nosql berkeley-db key-value-store
Redis Multi-Set With a TTL

In redis there is a SETEX command that allows me to set a key that expires, is there a multi-set …

redis key-value-store ttl
Single-file, persistent, sorted key-value store for Java (alternative to Berkeley DB)

Berkeley DB (JE) licensing may be a deal killer. I have a Java application going to a small set of …

java berkeley-db key-value-store
Want to store in Redis via Node.js

I want to store a hash/JSON data of users in Redis and want to add the user in users …

json node.js redis key-value-store
Use SQLite as a key:value store

As suggested in comments from Key: value store in Python for possibly 100 GB of data, without client/server and in …

python sqlite dictionary key-value key-value-store
MySQL to Redis - Import and Model

I'm thinking to use Redis to cache some user data snapshot(s) in order to speed up the access to …

mysql nosql redis key-value-store
Using python dictionary as a temporary in-memory key-value database?

I need something like a temporary in-memory key-value store. I know there are solutions like Redis. But I wonder if …

python caching key-value-store