JAX-RS: Java API for RESTful Web Services.
I have worked in Jersey and RESTEasy framework earlier and now we will be using Spring Rest for a new …
spring-mvc jersey jax-rs resteasy spring-restIn the below code snippet I keep receiving the following error in the Provider class. Type mismatch: cannot convert from …
jax-rs java-7 eclipse-kepler jersey-2.0Weblogic 12.2.1 has Jersey 2.21.1 inside as implementation of JAX-RS 2.0,but we would like to use Jersey 2.5.1 or Jersey of the latest …
jax-rs jersey-2.0 weblogic12cI have created a jax-rs rest api and tested it with rest-assured. All tests are green. Now I am trying …
jax-rs wildfly rest-assuredI want to use the Rotten Tomatoes API to search for movies. I have an equivalent fully working application that …
java json web-services jax-rs rotten-tomatoesI have the following JAX-RS resource running in Grizzly HTTP server: @Path("/board") public class BoardResource { @POST @Consumes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") …
glassfish jax-rs grizzlyI'm trying to test a minimal JAX-RS + EJB/CDI injection mechanism and currently hitting a road-block due to GlassFish unable …
jakarta-ee ejb glassfish-3 jax-rs injectIs there an example available to configure spring boot+Jersey+JaxRs application for Swagger? Referring to this post, I have …
jax-rs spring-boot swagger swagger-ui jersey-1.0Can anyone please help me with this. I created a web service using resteasy with wildfly 8.1.0 but @FormParam always returns …
jakarta-ee jax-rs resteasy wildfly-8