Top "Jax-rs" questions

JAX-RS: Java API for RESTful Web Services.

enabling auto scanning using resteasy 3.0.10 with wildfly 8.2

I am trying to figure out what is my problem while setting up new Wildfly 8.2 server with simple restEasy 3.0.10 application. …

java maven jax-rs resteasy wildfly-8
Create and link XSD to a WADL

I am creating some services using JAX-RS that need to take in arbitrarily complex objects as arguments, not just primitives …

json xsd rpc jax-rs wadl
Unable to deploy CXF3.x JAX-RS service in Weblogic 12c (12.2.1)

After upgrading a JAX-RS service built with CXF3.x from weblogic 12.1.3 to 12.2.1 I am facing the following weird issue <03…

java web-services jax-rs cxf weblogic12c
Is there a way to use JAX-RS annotated interface with Jersey as the client?

Given that I have an interface which represents my RESET service using public interface BookResource { @GET @Path("/book/isbn/{isbn}/") @…

java rest jersey jax-rs resteasy
package does not exist

I'm trying to start a Jersey/1.7 based project from scratch (as opposed to copying an existing project and adding new …

jersey jax-rs jdeveloper weblogic11g oid
Sending Name Value Pair in POST using Jersey Client

How can i pass name value pairs as body to a POST ReST Service in Jersey. Something similar to the …

java rest jersey jax-rs name-value
Is Jersey just a framework for developing RESTful web services in Java?

The way I understand it is Java EE 6 includes the classes for (JAX-RS) which are defined in …

java jersey cxf jax-rs
How to POST JSON request to a Jersey REST service?

I can successfully post XML data to my service, but, trying to do the same using JSON is failing. The …

jersey eclipselink jax-rs moxy
Swagger Codegen, Maven Plugin: Restrict Server Generation

I want to generate JAX-RS server stubs for my API using the swagger-codegen maven plugin, but I want to use …

java maven jax-rs swagger swagger-codegen
Multiple endpoints with Resteasy

I have two separate handfuls of REST services in one application. Let's say a main "people" service and a secondary "…

java spring rest jax-rs resteasy