Top "Jax-rs" questions

JAX-RS: Java API for RESTful Web Services.

How to deal with input parameter in CXF request handler in general?

I have been doing some work with apache CXF(version 2.2.2) JAX-RS. I am trying to introduce data validation layer in …

java rest cxf jax-rs cxfrs
RESTful API - chunked response for bulk operation

I work on a REST-like API that will support bulk operations on some resources. As it may take some time …

java json rest jax-rs chunked
MultiException when custom jersey param throws exception

NOTE: All code to reproduce this problem is available at…

java jax-rs jersey-2.0 dropwizard
How do I (un)marshall a Date as a time-stamp with jackson

I'm having trouble (un)marshalling java.util.Date objects into timestamps. Ideally the timestamps should be in a UTC-0 format …

json jersey jackson jax-rs
How to get Google Guice working with JaxRS (Jersey)

I have a basic JAXRS service that I can expose easily, but for once I wish to use a dependency …

java jersey jax-rs guice guice-servlet
Failed @Inject object using RESTEasy, Weld and Wildfly

I'm trying to make a REST webservice using RESTEasy and Weld for injection. When the package is deployed on wildfly …

jax-rs cdi resteasy wildfly weld
What is the proper way to validate requests with Resteasy?

I use Resteasy in combination with Google Guice using Resteasy-Guice. I have been looking for ways to validate my request …

java jboss jax-rs resteasy hibernate-validator
JAX-RS - JSON without root node in apache CXF

If we return collection object in the REST response, then the JSON (it will have the root element node as …

java json cxf jax-rs cxfrs
How to pass parameter to JsonSerializer?

I have a simple data service : @GET public Data getData(@QueryParam("id") Long id) { Data data = dataService.getData(id); return …

java jackson jax-rs dropwizard jsonserializer
Get resource class annotation values inside ContainerRequestFilter

I'm struggling a bit with understanding how rest interceptor annotations can add different values that are later visible in the …

java jax-rs interceptor