Top "Jax-rs" questions

JAX-RS: Java API for RESTful Web Services.

How can I upload image and data in the same request with angular and resteasy?

I'm facing a problem to make a angular crud with jax-rs on backend. The crud is very simple, some text …

java angularjs jax-rs resteasy
JerseyTest using GrizzlyWebTestContainerFactory in Jersey 2.13

I am trying to get a JerseyTest running using a org.glassfish.jersey.test.grizzly.GrizzlyWebContainerFactory. I already searched the …

java jersey jax-rs jersey-2.0 jersey-test-framework
How do I register the Jackson provider with the Wink client?

I'm trying to set up a toy application (which may turn in to a real application someday). I'm running into …

java json jax-rs jackson apache-wink
"No resource method found for GET, return 405 with Allow header" but doing a POST request

I'm having a problem accessing my rest endpoint. I'm trying to do a login with a POST request, but keep …

java jax-rs resteasy wildfly-11
How to forward a request using JAX-RS?

I want to forward a REST request to another server. I use JAX-RS with Jersey and Tomcat. I tried it …

java http servlets jax-rs forward
force glassfish 4 to use jackson 2.3

I wrote an maven application which should run on Glassfish 4. The Standard ApplicationConfig looks like this:"…

glassfish jersey jackson jax-rs java-ee-7
How to do Rest Authentication with JAX-RS

I am looking for some pointers on how to secure my rest root resource @Path("/employee") public class EmployeeResource { @GET @…

rest jakarta-ee jersey jax-rs restful-authentication
Jersey/JAX-RS : How to cascade beans-validation recursively with @Valid automatically?

I am validating my POJOs in a REST resource endpoint in Jersey: public class Resource { @POST public Response post(@NotNull @…

java jersey jax-rs bean-validation
Dropwizard error messages from Jersey

I'm getting the below log output. I guess drop wizard is trying to error but the Jersey JAX-RS implementation it …

error-handling jersey jax-rs dropwizard
how to post JSON data to web service using Apache Wink RestClient?

I'm trying to test a JAX-RS by doing a POST of JSON data from Java. I'm using Apache Wink 1.0, and …

java json jax-rs apache-wink