Top "Dropwizard" questions

Dropwizard is a Java framework for developing ops-friendly, high-performance, RESTful web services.

Change Dropwizard default ports

I have a Dropwizard based Jersey REST service running on the default ports 8080(service) and 8081(admin), I need to change …

java rest jersey dropwizard
Spring - Programmatically generate a set of beans

I have a Dropwizard application that needs to generate a dozen or so beans for each of the configs in …

java spring spring-mvc dropwizard
DropWizard Metrics Meters vs Timers

I am learning the DropWizard Metrics library (formerly Coda Hale metrics) and I am confused as to when I should …

java timer dropwizard metrics codahale-metrics
Liquibase create Schema for postgres

I'm using Dropwizard (1.0.0) and Liquibase to create a database if it's not existing. Problem here is that I'm using a …

java postgresql liquibase dropwizard
Unsupported media type for REST POST

I have this VO public class myVO { private final String latitude; private final String longtitude; private final String meterRadius; public …

java rest curl jersey dropwizard
Looking for a dropwizard example

Looking for a dropwizard example I found: But I am interested in …

DropWizard Auth by Example

I'm trying to understand how authentication and authorization work in DropWizard. I've read their auth guide as well as the …

java jersey jax-rs basic-authentication dropwizard
Enabling cors in dropwizard not working

I'm working on a dropwizard application and js ui to interacte with the api. I need to load json data …

java dropwizard
Dropwizard and Guice: injecting Environment

I am currently building a Dropwizard + Guice + Jersey-based application where the database access is being handled by JDBI for the …

dependency-injection guice dropwizard jdbi
How to create a one-to-many relationship with JDBI SQL object API?

I'm creating a simple REST application with dropwizard using JDBI. The next step is to integrate a new resource that …

java join one-to-many dropwizard jdbi