Looking for a dropwizard example

Wolfgang Fahl picture Wolfgang Fahl · Nov 12, 2012 · Viewed 20.4k times · Source

Looking for a dropwizard example I found:


But I am interested in a more complete example with at least:

  1. a 1:n relationship like customer - account
  2. a html gui represenation at least with forms
  3. full crud support for xml

2 out of three would be a start and would earn "accepted" by me.


Gary Rowe picture Gary Rowe · Dec 18, 2012

Take a look at some of my Dropwzard projects

In particular the MultiBit Merchant projects (Admin, Store and Platform) will provide you with a wealth of demonstration code that shows how to get stuff done in Dropwizard. There is also an example of OpenID with Dropwizard that should provide a good launch point for a new application.

They are all FOSS under the MIT license.