Top "Dropwizard" questions

Dropwizard is a Java framework for developing ops-friendly, high-performance, RESTful web services.

Advice deploying war files vs executable jar with embedded container

There seems to be a current trend in java space to move away from deploying java web applications to a …

java playframework war spring-boot dropwizard
Dropwizard logging: add new appender for a particular logger

I'm new to dropwizard and am trying to figure out ways to configure logging better. I have registered a new …

java logging logback dropwizard
Dropwizard file upload

I have to upload a file from my site yet cnt seem to get it working with drop wizard. Here …

Adding additional metrics to Dropwizard

How do I go about adding custom metrics to the default stuff that Dropwizard provides on the admin port (8081)? I …

java dropwizard
IllegalStateException within method with Response paramether

I wrote a simple class to test response reading entity method (if it works as I expect). But it didn't …

java jersey jax-rs dropwizard
How can I create triggers for a postgreSQL db using liquibase?

I'm using the dropwizard-migrations module for liquibase db refactoring. See the guide here: When …

postgresql liquibase dropwizard
How do I configure the location and rotation of the Dropwizard access log?

My logging config looks like this: logging: level: INFO loggers: "": DEBUG "org.apache.http.wire": DEBUG console: …

logging dropwizard access-log
Can DropWizard serve assets from outside the jar file?

In looking at the documentation, it appears that DropWizard is only able to serve static content living in src/main/…

static-content dropwizard
How to do Basic Authentication of a resource in Dropwizard

I believe I have basic authentication working but I'm not sure how to protect resources so that they can only …

java rest authentication dropwizard
How to avoid dependency conflict when using dropwizard + jersey client

I have a DropWizard REST API written and works. One of the resource endpoints actually writes an email, however as …

java maven-2 dropwizard jersey-client