Top "Jersey-client" questions

The Jersey client API is a high-level Java based API for interoperating with RESTful Web services.

how to send json object from REST client using

I have a POJO given below which I want to PUT to the server as JSON or XML. This is …

java rest jax-rs jersey-2.0 jersey-client
REST service that accepts and returns object. How to write client?

I have declared two REST web services. One which simply returns a object. And other which accepts an object and …

java rest jersey jersey-client
Jersey ClientResponse.getEntity of generic type

I got a problem to deserialize using jeresy ClientRespone.getEntity I've tried to follow some tutorials and questions, include this: …

java json jersey jax-rs jersey-client
jersey NoClassDefFoundError: org/objectweb/asm/ClassVisitor exception

First time I'm trying a WebService using jersey. The below code I got from some blog. I am getting following 500 …

java web-services jakarta-ee jersey jersey-client
How to use mockito for testing Database connection

I am using Junit to test my jersey api. I want to test DAO without a database. I tried using …

junit jersey mockito jersey-client rest-assured
How to get list<String> as response from jersey2 client

I want to know how I can extract a List<String> as response from the jersey-2.0 client. I …

java json jersey-2.0 jersey-client
How to resolve MessageBodyWriter not found for media type=multipart/form-data error

How to configure provider for simple multi-form post. Any suggestions/pointers would be much appreciated. Stacktrace: org.glassfish.jersey.message.…

java jax-rs jersey-client
Jersey2 Client throwing

I have written a sample REST service using Jersey2. Here is my web.xml: <web-app> <display-name>…

java rest jersey jersey-2.0 jersey-client
Post empty body with Jersey 2 client

How do I submit a post request with an empty body with a Jersey 2 client? final MyClass result = ClientBuilder.newClient() .…

java jersey jersey-client
How do Jersey-client and Apache HTTP Client compare?

First of all, I'm not trying to start a flame-war here. I know Jersey sufficiently well, but have hardly used …

java apache-httpclient-4.x apache-commons-httpclient jersey-client