Top "Apache-httpclient-4.x" questions

A Java HTTP client library.

Trusting all certificates using HttpClient over HTTPS

Recently posted a question regarding the HttpClient over Https (found here). I've made some headway, but I've run into new …

java ssl https certificate apache-httpclient-4.x
HttpClient won't import in Android Studio

I have a simple class written in Android Studio: package com.mysite.myapp; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; public …

android gradle android-gradle-plugin apache-httpclient-4.x
How can I get an http response body as a string in Java?

I know there used to be a way to get it with apache commons as documented here: http://hc.apache.…

java apache-httpclient-4.x apache-commons
How to ignore SSL certificate errors in Apache HttpClient 4.0

How do I bypass invalid SSL certificate errors with Apache HttpClient 4.0?

java ssl apache-httpclient-4.x
Exception : peer not authenticated

public HttpClientVM() { BasicHttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); ConnManagerParams.setMaxTotalConnections(params, 10); HttpProtocolParams.setVersion(params, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1); HttpProtocolParams.setUseExpectContinue(params, false); HttpConnectionParams.setStaleCheckingEnabled(…

java apache-httpclient-4.x
Deprecated Java HttpClient - How hard can it be?

All I'm trying to do is download some JSON and deserialize it into an object. I haven't got as far …

java apache-httpclient-4.x apache-commons-httpclient
commons httpclient - Adding query string parameters to GET/POST request

I am using commons HttpClient to make an http call to a Spring servlet. I need to add a few …

java apache-httpclient-4.x
HttpClient 4.0.1 - how to release connection?

I have a loop over a bunch of URLs, for each one I'm doing the following: private String doQuery(String …

java connection apache-httpclient-4.x
What is the difference between CloseableHttpClient and HttpClient in Apache HttpClient API?

I'm studying an application developed by our company. It uses the Apache HttpClient library. In the source code it uses …

java apache http apache-httpclient-4.x
Write in body request with HttpClient

I want to write the body of a request with XML content-type but I don't know how with HttpClient Object ( …

java xml request apache-httpclient-4.x