Top "Jersey-client" questions

The Jersey client API is a high-level Java based API for interoperating with RESTful Web services.

jersey - StreamingOutput as Response entity

I had implemented streaming output in my Jersey Resource class. @GET @Path("xxxxx") @Produces(BulkConstants.TEXT_XML_MEDIA_TYPE}) public …

java jersey jersey-client
Jersey 2.6 with Jackson JSON deserialization

My goal is to make web calls and convert returned JSON to POJOs. I'm trying to use Jersey+Jackson for …

jersey jackson jersey-2.0 jersey-client
PATCH request using Jersey Client

I want to execute a PATCH request supported by our server for testing using Jersey client. My code is as …

java jersey jersey-client

I am getting below exception whenever my REST client code makes a call to the REST service using below code: …

java rest jboss jersey-2.0 jersey-client
Jersey REST Client : Posting MultiPart data

I am trying to write a Jersey client app which can post multi part form data to a Restful Jersey …

java rest jersey multipartform-data jersey-client
Using SSLContext with just a CA certificate and no keystore

I need to setup a for use in a Jersey-Client application. All I want to do …

java ssl keystore ca jersey-client
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.sun.jersey.core.header.MediaTypes

I'm trying to run a jersey client and facing this issue. WS Class: import; import javax.…

java jersey jax-rs jersey-client
How to add a http proxy for Jersey2 Client

It's easy to set a proxy for client on Jersey1.x: config.getProperties().put(ApacheHttpClientConfig.PROPERTY_PROXY_URI, proxyUrl); But …

jersey-client jersey-2.0
Glassfish :MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException in Jersy Client

Hi All I was trying to create a rest web-service from scratch. Here is my Service part @Path("/Phones") public …

java rest jaxb jax-rs jersey-client
How to read JSON request body in Jersey

I have a requirement, where in i need to read JSON request that is coming in as part of the …

jersey jersey-client jersey-1.0