Top "Jersey-client" questions

The Jersey client API is a high-level Java based API for interoperating with RESTful Web services.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError error when running my project

I have been struggling to get this to work and I think i can use some help. I am working …

java maven jax-ws jax-rs jersey-client
How to setup a Jersey client with Jackson (2.x) provider to process a POST request

I'm struggling to setup a Jersey client for testing a POST request to a resource. My Jersey and Jackson dependencies …

json post jersey jackson jersey-client
Unable to Mock Glassfish Jersey Client response object

I am having problems with creating a mock Response object to use with my unit tests. I am using org.…

unit-testing glassfish mockito jersey-client jersey-2.0
How call PUT through Jersy REST client with null entity

I want to call some "upgrade" REST API through Jersy client, which is declared as PUT and does not require …

rest jersey-2.0 jersey-client
Jersey Client post binary data application-octet/stream

I would like to perform a post with binary data using Jersey Client. The equivalent with curl would be: curl …

java jersey-client
Jersey REST get returns java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

I'm trying to get a response from a working REST webservice. I have come up with the following looking at …

rest jakarta-ee glassfish-4 jersey-client jersey-2.0
Upgrading from Jersey Client 1.x to Jersey Client 2.x

I am using jersey-client-1.9. sample code: import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse; …

java jersey jersey-2.0 jersey-client jersey-1.0
Genson with Jersey JsonBindingException: Could not deserialize to type class java.lang.String

In my Spring MVC Java application I'm using Jersey REST API. I am using Jackson for JSON processing. I added …

java jersey jersey-client genson
Jersey client async POST request to not wait for response

I have created a simple Jersey client and it is able to successfully do a POST request with a payload. …

java post jersey jersey-client google-http-client