Top "Jersey-1.0" questions

Jersey 1.0 is the open source, production quality, JAX-RS 1.1 (JSR 311) reference implementation for building RESTful Web services.

How to force URIBuilder.path(...) to encode parameters like "%AD"? This method doesn't always encode parameters with percentage, correctly

How to force URIBuilder.path(...) to encode parameters like "%AD"? The methods path, replacePath and segment of URIBuilder do not …

jersey jax-rs jersey-1.0
How do I migrate from Jersey 1.0 to Jersey 2.0?

I'm trying to upgrade to Jersey 2.0 and I'm having a lot of trouble because the groupIds and artifactIds of Jersey …

maven jersey glassfish-2.x jersey-1.0 jersey-2.0
How to get form parameters in request filter

I'm trying to get the form parameters of a request in a request filter: @Override public ContainerRequest filter(final ContainerRequest …

java jersey http-post http-request jersey-1.0
How to get resource method matched to URI before Jersey invokes it?

I'm trying to implement a ContainerRequestFilter that does custom validation of a request's parameters. I need to look up the …

java jersey jersey-1.0
Implementing RESTful web service with two parameters?

I am writing Jersey RESTful web services. I have below two web methods. @Path("/persons") public class PersonWS { private final …

java web-services rest jersey-1.0
How to read JSON request body in Jersey

I have a requirement, where in i need to read JSON request that is coming in as part of the …

jersey jersey-client jersey-1.0
Swagger ui - Query param

I am using Swagger ui and Swagger core (1.3) for a jersey application. I have certain query parameters which I must …

java rest swagger swagger-ui jersey-1.0
Jersey Image Upload Client

I am trying to upload image using Jersey webservice , i am using jersey client to upload image. below is jersey …

java jersey jax-rs jersey-client jersey-1.0
jersey rest and csv response

I have created a rest call that responds back with the CSV file using Jersey. rest call code is: @GET @…

java rest jersey-2.0 jersey-1.0
Weblogic 12c : Prefer-web-inf-classes and prefer-application-packages for Jersey

I have to use both (oddly enough ..) prefer-web-inf-classes and prefer-application-packages properties of weblogic.xml on a Weblogic 12c Server (12.2.1) It …

java guice weblogic12c jersey-1.0 guice-servlet