Top "Dropwizard" questions

Dropwizard is a Java framework for developing ops-friendly, high-performance, RESTful web services.

Jersey 2.x Custom Injection Annotation With Attributes

I am in the process of migrating from DropWizard 0.7.1 to 0.8.1. This includes migrating from Jersey 1.x to 2.x. In my …

java jersey jersey-2.0 dropwizard hk2
How to implement websocket in Dropwizard

I have a requirement to implement websocket with a dropwizard project. However i am unable to find any document related …

websocket dropwizard
Spring configurable, high performance, metered http client instances

Coming from DropWizard I am used to its HttpClientConfiguration and I am baffled that in Spring Boot I cannot find …

spring configuration spring-boot dropwizard apache-httpcomponents
Dropwizard - organizing your project, understanding terminology, etc

I am learning to use Dropwizard. I was able to follow the quickstart guide and run basic REST APIs. In …

java http rest dropwizard
Feign client retry on exception

So far we have a feign client which in case of exception, we used to retry as below Retryer<…

java dropwizard feign openfeign
Dropwizard error messages from Jersey

I'm getting the below log output. I guess drop wizard is trying to error but the Jersey JAX-RS implementation it …

error-handling jersey jax-rs dropwizard
SIGTERM not received by java process using 'docker stop' and the official java image

I am running a dropwizard Java application in a Docker container using the image java:7u79 based on debian/jessie. …

java docker dropwizard dockerfile
Dropwizard : Exception Handling, giving custom error JSON error messages to client

How can i configure dropwizard to give custom error messages to User. If my function is supposed to return a …

java json dropwizard
Does DropWizard natively support scheduled tasks?

DropWizard allows you to define administrative tasks and execute them remotely by hitting a URL. DropWizard apps also have a …

java admin quartz-scheduler scheduling dropwizard
Hibernate vs JDBI

I am building a web service using the Dropwizard framework (version 0.7.0). It involves executing some read-only queries to the database, …

java sql hibernate dropwizard jdbi