Top "Jdbi" questions

jDBI is an extension library over standard JDBC, to make writing relational database access more convenient (and correct!

What is the difference between JDBC and JDBI?

I want to know about the differences between JDBC and JDBI in java. In particular, which one is generally better …

java jdbc jdbi
Jdbi - how to bind a list parameter in Java?

We have an SQL statement which is executed by Jdbi (org.skife.jdbi.v2). For binding parameters we use Jdbi's …

java sql jdbi
Dropwizard and Guice: injecting Environment

I am currently building a Dropwizard + Guice + Jersey-based application where the database access is being handled by JDBI for the …

dependency-injection guice dropwizard jdbi
How to do in-query in jDBI?

How can I execute somethings like this in jDBI ? @SqlQuery("select id from foo where name in <list of …

java sql jdbi
How to create a one-to-many relationship with JDBI SQL object API?

I'm creating a simple REST application with dropwizard using JDBI. The next step is to integrate a new resource that …

java join one-to-many dropwizard jdbi
Using Transaction with JDBI / IDBI / Dropwizard -- rollback problems

I'm having a lot of trouble getting transactions to work with IDBI. We're using the dropwizard framework and simple inserts, …

java mysql transactions dropwizard jdbi
jdbi return autogenerated value on inserts

I am playing with dropwizard and I want to build a REST application that has various foreign-key relations in the …

dropwizard jdbi
JDBI, retrieve data with sql query into customized object(constructor) instead of Map

So when we use JDBI to query from database, it is getting it into a Map<String, Object> …

java sql jdbi
Dynamic Order in JDBI SQL Object Queries

How do you do ordering with SQL Object Queries in JDBI? I want to do something like: @SqlQuery( "SELECT * FROM …

java sql-order-by sqlobject jdbi
How to register an object in jersey 2(ResourceConfig)

I want to register a class component(Object) in jersey not class reference. I create a XYZResource class that be …

java maven tomcat jersey-2.0 jdbi