JAX-RS: Java API for RESTful Web Services.
I am deploying a war to Tomcat 7.0.57. This code uses Jersey 2.x Client to communicate with a Rest endpoint and …
java tomcat cxf jax-rs jersey-clientSince Jersey 2.9, it's been possible to create link relations for hypermedia-driven REST APIs through declarative linking. This code, for example: @…
java rest jersey jax-rs jersey-2.0I have a Java application that uses the Jersey implementation of JAX-RS 2.0 and I want to enable gzip compression on …
jax-rs jersey-clientI'm looking for a simple, working sample MTOM sample code (service + client) either using JAX-WS RI or Axis2-based. I …
axis2 jax-rs mtomI am trying to write a simple Jersey application that sends files from a Jersey client to a Jersey server …
glassfish jersey jax-rsThe CXF documentation mentions caching as Advanced HTTP: CXF JAXRS provides support for a number of advanced HTTP features by …
java rest cxf jax-rs http-cachingSometime back I developed a Restful service in Java with only 1 GET resource. It was accessed like this: GET http://…
rest jax-rs restful-url restful-architectureI'm trying to deploy a basic jersey restful service to Tomcat7 without web.xml: @WebServlet(loadOnStartup=1) @ApplicationPath("resources") @Path("/mypath/{…
java tomcat jersey jax-rs servlet-3.0I have a URI like this: java.net.URI location = UriBuilder.fromPath("../#/Login").queryParam("token", token).build(); and I am …
java rest jax-rs uribuilder