Top "Jax-rs" questions

JAX-RS: Java API for RESTful Web Services.

jax-rs retrieve form parameters

I'm trying to retrieve some parameters that are passed to jax-rs from a posted form with the HttpServletRequest. However, my …

java rest jakarta-ee java-ee-6 jax-rs
Serialize Date in a JSON REST web service as ISO-8601 string

I have a JAX-RS application using JBoss AS 7.1, and I POST/GET JSON and XML objects which include Dates (java.…

json jax-rs jboss7.x resteasy
When to use pathParams or QueryParams

Is there a rule of thumb as to when one should use path parameters for a URL versus when you …

java rest jax-rs
RESTFul Service Framework for AppEngine

I am working on a project that involves mobile and web clients with Google's AppEngine PAAS. I would like to …

google-app-engine rest jax-rs restlet resteasy
How can I define a JAX-RS service that processes multi-part data in JEE?

This is what I have so far: This initializes my REST service package; import javax.servlet.…

java servlets jersey jax-rs glassfish-4
Why does Eclipse Kepler SR1 error with : JAX-RS 2.0 requires Java 1.7 or newer

I have a maven project that give the following two errors JAX-RS (REST Web Services) 2.0 can not be installed : One …

eclipse jax-rs eclipse-kepler
JAX-RS (Jersey) custom exception with XML or JSON

I have a REST service built using Jersey. I want to be able to set the MIME of my custom …

java mime jersey jax-rs
How to enable CDI inject in web service (jaxrs/jersey) on java se running grizzly?

How do I allow CDI injection of resources into restful web service resources? I am running on standard java using …

java jersey jax-rs cdi grizzly
What is the proper replacement of the Resteasy 3.X PreProcessInterceptor?

I'm building rest service using an authentication/authorization mechanism as described in this tutorial: Basically it …

java rest jax-rs resteasy
DropWizard Auth by Example

I'm trying to understand how authentication and authorization work in DropWizard. I've read their auth guide as well as the …

java jersey jax-rs basic-authentication dropwizard