JAX-RS: Java API for RESTful Web Services.
Is it possible to have a JAX-RS web service redirect to another web page? Like as you would do with …
java redirect jax-rsHow to force URIBuilder.path(...) to encode parameters like "%AD"? The methods path, replacePath and segment of URIBuilder do not …
jersey jax-rs jersey-1.0In what contexts is it better to use one over the other and why? Thanks!
java jax-ws jax-rsI have created an app implementing REST services locally using: Eclipse Indigo Jersey 2.4 Tomcat 7.0.47 When running locally using Eclipse, the …
tomcat7 jax-rs jersey-2.0I am deploying JAX-RS web services to a Tomcat servlet container. I have seen code examples that use either of …
java web-services tomcat jersey jax-rsI was messing around with JAX-RS and made an application which calls REST services which produce JSON. I tried Jersey …
java jax-rs resteasy