Top "Jax-rs" questions

JAX-RS: Java API for RESTful Web Services.

GET Request with Content-Type and Accept header with JAX-RS Jersey 2.2

I try to access an open data web service which gives me traffic infos. Documentation says that requests have to …

web-services rest jersey jax-rs content-type
Custom response header Jersey/Java

I am trying to achieve the following. Read a custom header and its value from Request: name: username Now, on …

java json rest jersey jax-rs
Could not serialize object cause of HibernateProxy

I am getting the following error response from the server. HTTP Status 500 - type Exception report message descriptionThe server encountered …

java hibernate jakarta-ee jax-rs gson
Optional @PathParam in Jax-RS

I have a service where the last part of the path is optional, the user can both enter /mypath/ and /…

java regex jboss jax-rs resteasy
How to set HTTP header in RESTEasy client framework?

RESTEasy (a JAX-RS implementation) has a nice client framework, eg: RegisterBuiltin.register(ResteasyProviderFactory.getInstance()); SimpleClient client = ProxyFactory.create(SimpleClient.class, "…

java http-headers jax-rs resteasy
How to log request body in JAX-RS client

I need to see my request body with a client JAX-RS request in order to verify that the serialization works …

logging jax-rs servlet-filters
How do I get the @RolesAllowed annotation to work for my Web application?

I am making a Web application using Backbone.js, Bootstrap, NetBeans IDE 8.0, Java EE 7, JDK 8, WildFly server 8.1.0, JBoss RESTEasy (resteasy-jaxrs-3.0.8), …

java security ejb jax-rs resteasy Could not find resource for full path with RESTEasy and Wildfly 8.1.0.Final

I am facing following problem. I have spent more than 3 days on this but cannot find a solution. Please guide …

java rest jax-rs resteasy wildfly-8
Logging request and response in one place with JAX-RS

I have a RESTEasy web server with lot of methods. I want implement logback to track all requests and responses, …

java rest jax-rs resteasy
JAX-RS Frameworks

I've been doing some work with the JAX-RS reference implementation (Jersey). I know of at least two other frameworks (Restlet &…

java rest jax-rs