Top "Jax-rs" questions

JAX-RS: Java API for RESTful Web Services.

Problems Resteasy 3.09 CorsFilter

I tried to use the new CorsFilter which is available in Resteasy 3.0.9. I found an example at the bottom of …

java jax-rs cors resteasy

I am unable to find answer through the following links One Two Three Following is my pom.xml dependency <…

java jax-rs jersey-2.0
JAX-RS Jersey 2.10 support in Websphere 8

I am trying to use Jersey 2.10 in Websphere 8 but it tries to reference the Application which is a implementation of …

jersey websphere jax-rs
Servlet init() method equivalent in JAX-RS

I am working on an application which is running on Glassfish. I am supposed to convert the servlets to proper …

java servlets glassfish jersey jax-rs
What is difference between @FormDataParam and @FormParam

What is the difference between @FormDataParam and @FormParam? I was using multiple @FormDataParam in a method but it was throwing …

java jersey jax-rs multipartform-data
How to make Apache Tomcat accept DELETE method

I'm working on a project of RESTful web services, i'm using Apache Tomcat and JAX-RS. I want to accept DELETE …

java tomcat7 jax-rs http-status-code-403 http-delete
How to pass comma separated parameters in a url for the get method of rest service

I have a webservice like @GET @Produces("application/json") @Path("{parameter1}/july/{param2},{param3},{param4}/month") public Month getResult(@PathParam("…

java web-services jax-rs restful-url
What's a JAX-RS implementation?

I have been trying to figure out how to use JAX-RS for quite some time. I started from the very …

rest jersey jax-rs resteasy
Glassfish :MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException in Jersy Client

Hi All I was trying to create a rest web-service from scratch. Here is my Service part @Path("/Phones") public …

java rest jaxb jax-rs jersey-client