Top "Oid" questions

OID is the Oracle Internet Directory product

Figure out memory usage using SNMP on Windows

Currently i use the following to figure it out: For total memory: . For used memory i walk the following oid (…

windows snmp oid
How can I find what is OID for cpu usage in windows 7?

I have a vm with windows 7. I have installed windows snmp agent service. Then from my pc I have developed …

c# cpu-usage snmp oid
SNMP OID for network traffic

i'm working on a script that will monitor traffic on specific hosts from nagios. I have studied some scripts already …

snmp nagios net-snmp oid mib
Table of OIDs for certificate's subject?

Is there any table where we can find all correspondences between OIDs and attributes they represent in the subject field …

certificate x509 asn.1 oid dn
Hibernate, Postgresql: Column "x" is of type oid but expression is of type byte

I have a strange problem regarding the hibernate mapping containing large objects (BLOB), when switching between different databases. @Lob private …

hibernate postgresql annotations bytearray oid
JDBC Connect String for Oracle OID Using OCI Driver

I know how to connect to oracle using OID and the thin client jdbc driver: jdbc:oracle:thin:@ldap://server:…

oracle jdbc oracle-call-interface oid
Parse SNMP MIB Files to generate a list of Devices and OID

I am processing a large number of SNMP MIB Files and from them creating a dictionary of devices and their …

python parsing snmp oid mib
Problems resolving Oracle SID via LDAP/OID lookup with Thin JDBC Client

We are using OID/LDAP lookup for our connection configuration. Both the TNS_ADMIN environment variable and the…

oracle jdbc ldap oid tns
Java Getting Name/Description for OIDs in MIB

I am programming a network management system, and need to be able to print out meaningful names behind the OIDs …

java networking snmp oid mib
SNMP OID: How to find the firmware version of a cisco switch from MIB

I am looking for a OID to get the firmware version of a Cisco Switch using SNMP. I tried the …

snmp cisco oid