Top "Ivy" questions

Apache Ivy is a subproject of Ant to simplify dependency management.

Gradle - getting the latest release version of a dependency

What would be the easiest way to tell Gradle the following: Retrieve 'junit' dependency and take its latest 'release' version. …

java maven dependencies ivy gradle
Angular 9 - NGCC fails with an unhandled exception

Buidling the application after having upgraded dependcies to Angular 9 (and having performed necessary code changes) throws an error: Compiling @angular/…

angular typescript ivy angular-compiler
Ant target failing: Antlib or Ivy issue?

Possible Duplicate: Ivy fails to resolve a dependancy, unable to find cause I'm trying to run the following build task (…

java ant ivy
Can someone explain the ivy.xml dependency's conf attribute?

I can't find any thorough explanation of the Ivy dependency tag's conf attribute: <dependency org="hibernate" name="hibernate" rev="3.1.3" …

java apache ant ivy
how do I get sbt to use a local maven proxy repository (Nexus)?

I've got an sbt (Scala) project that currently pulls artifacts from the web. We'd like to move towards a corporate-standardized …

scala maven ivy nexus sbt
What is the meaning of type "bundle" in a maven dependency?

What is the meaning of "bundle" e.g in this dependency: <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.abdera&…

maven dependency-management ivy
How to configure Ivy cache directory per-user or system-wide?

I am using SBT as my build tool for building a Scala project. My problem is, I can't configure SBT …

scala sbt ivy
How to access a secured Nexus with sbt?

I'm trying to access a Nexus repository manager which requires some basic authentication. Everything works fine from Maven2 but when …

sbt ivy nexus
good ivy tutorial for local repository?

Can anyone point me at a good tutorial for making & using a local repository with Ivy? (Please don't point …

ant ivy
Ivy fails to resolve a dependency, unable to find cause

While using ivy:retrieve, it fails to resolve the dependency that should be downloaded. The output looks like this: Buildfile: …

eclipse ant ivy